[Kostenlos herunterladen] Lichterfest Thailand

The festival is celebrated nationwide by releasing lotus shaped baskets decorated with candles and flowers onto the rivers.
Lichterfest thailand. The date of the festival is marked by the appearance of the full moon which means that the times vary every year. Loi krathong ลอยกระทง is a festival that is celebrated in thailand laos and some other places in southeast asia that have a thai or tai heritage. Das loi krathong ist eines der berühmtesten und schönsten feste in ganz thailand. In bangkok begleiten wir die. The thai festival of lights and lanterns things to do information the evening of loy krathong is one of the most picturesque festivals in bangkok. Loi krathong ist eines der schönsten feste thailands. The loy krathong festival takes place around the 12th month in the traditional thai lunar calendar.
Loi krathong loi kratong or loy krathong ลอยกระทง is a festival held annually throughout thailand on the full moon of the 12th month in thai lunar calendar. However as a general guide loy krathong is held in november. Loy krathong is a traditional thai festival that is celebrated annually and is also known as the festival of lights. In 2019 loy krathong falls on wednesday november 13 festival begins on november 11 ends on november 13. Jedes jahr in der vollmondnacht des zwölften mondmonats wird die flussgöttin geehrt und um verzeihung gebeten. The dates of loy krathong change every year which is always a source of confusion. Kerzenlampions räucherstäbchen bananenboot diese dinge sind teil des lichterfests.