58 Kunsten Museum

Completed in 1972 the building is an attraction in its own right.
Kunsten museum. Comprises the de young museum in golden gate park and the legion of honor in lincoln park. 47 21 82 68 ean. Of a modern scandinavian design it was built between 1968 72 by finnish architects elissa and alvar aalto and danish architect jean jacques baruël. Kunsten museum of modern art is located in aalborg denmark on kong christians allé near its junction with vesterbro. Kunsten the museum of modern art in aalborg is like a sculpture growing out of the greenery to create a beautiful frame for world class art. Kunsten the museum of modern art in aalborg has recently been renovated leaving the architectural gem with a new look when it reopened in 2016. Fine arts museums of san francisco public arts institution in the city of san francisco.
Kunsten museum of modern art aalborg kong christians allé 50 9000 aalborg tlf. Once a steadfast collection of danish art today kunsten has a collection of top quality international modern and contemporary art. Kunsten er blandt danmarks største museer for moderne kunst med en stor samling af samtidskunst samt flere årlige særudstillinger. Spar 50 på alm. 45 99 82 41 00 kunsten kunsten dk cvr. Museet huses i en arkitekttegnet bygning skabt af de kendte arkitekter alvar aalto elissa aalto og jean jacques baruël. The de young museum in golden gate park.
The building is in a league of its own internationally and it was designed by the world famous finnish architect alvar aalto in collaboration with elissa aalto and jean jacques baruël. Museet har både dansk og international kunst og særligt fokus på den eksperimenterende kunst. Here is an overview of the museum s development. Kunsten museum of modern art aalborg kong christians allé 50 9000 aalborg denmark rated 4 5 based on 287 reviews a wonderful gallery with superb. Every year kunsten welcomes countless guests to explore the collection of modern art. Kunsten museum of modern art i aalborg er et moderne kunstmuseum og et oplevelseshus hvor alle kan finde ny inspiration og hvor hele familien kan gå på opdagelse i kunst og kreativitet.